Once I had PirateBox running, I was only able to reach it with the IP.
Trying "ssh alarm@alarmpi" did not work, either.
Thought I did something wrong with the setup, so I re-imaged the microSD card.
The information above is from my 2nd (current) setup.
I connected my PirateBox to my home network to install tcpdump.
Running "tcpdump -i wlan0 port 80" didn't provide me with much insight.
I saw that I was getting Apache 304 errors, but nothing about handling the domain resolution.
I'm sure there is something small that I'm overlooking, but I don't know what it is.
EDIT: forgot to address your suggestion.
I did try different domains, but no success.
Chrome says that I'm offline, giving me the dinosaur (I'll play the game to clear my mind).
Trying "ssh alarm@alarmpi" did not work, either.
Thought I did something wrong with the setup, so I re-imaged the microSD card.
The information above is from my 2nd (current) setup.
I connected my PirateBox to my home network to install tcpdump.
Running "tcpdump -i wlan0 port 80" didn't provide me with much insight.
I saw that I was getting Apache 304 errors, but nothing about handling the domain resolution.
I'm sure there is something small that I'm overlooking, but I don't know what it is.
EDIT: forgot to address your suggestion.
I did try different domains, but no success.
Chrome says that I'm offline, giving me the dinosaur (I'll play the game to clear my mind).