Channel: PirateBox Forum - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
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I have damaged droopy?

It was something wrong with translation in droopy (el). All the messages in upload file iframe looks "Chinese" with Firefox (ok on iOS devices).

Using SSH i replaced the el= ... Content with the English (en=... ) lines , first in /home/.../bin and after the first bad results on /opt/.../bin. (Edited: actually I have something mix don't understand here..)

Till then in upload iframe i see "can not connect to PirateBox.LAN" message..

Did I killed it? :)


==SOLVED== i deleted all the translation info for "el" in droopy

Re: Connected Clients

try to enable the cron service:

update-rc.d cron defaults
/etc/init.d/cron start

If it is not called "cron", check

ls /etc/init.d

and find something "cron" in the name, and try the commands above with that name



Re: Connected Clients

Thanks Mathias,

cron is there, it seems to start, it shows say 3 clients connected once and then, after a while, again 0 (i checked the file in /www too). Perhaps something going wrong with the routine updating the file and not cron fault?

Re: Connected Clients

but there were still 3 connected clients? :P

The commandline command is
iw wlan0 station dump | grep Station | wc -l

and to see the connected stations:

iw wlan0 station dump | grep Station
so you can verify. There is not much more in the script: [github.com]


Re: Connected Clients

Yes they were :) at least the one i did SSH for sure..

Syslog geting the known "MTA server" error, do you think that i should install some mail server on rasp ?


Re: Connected Clients

MySQL, PHP on lighttpd and redrect

i follow that:

Installing Lighttpd With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Debian Etch

and everything went ok (except restarting the lighttpd, it needs reboot).

i trying to install a Webchess and

run ok, the

keep redirects to piratebox.lan.

i didnt manage to cancel it, any help?


EDIT: solved changing temporally the redirect.html, webchess works great!

Re: Installations HowTo - Raspberry

SuriRaven Wrote:
> There. Any thoughts on this one?
> [newhome.birds-are-nice.me]
> ig.mod.7z
> I stripped it of everything I could. The thing
> runs in about 22MB of ram now, making it pi-A
> friendly. Also enabled frequency scaling, which
> should buy a little more time on batteries, and
> installed my mac-randomiser. Made a very minor
> change to the page too, just playing around with
> adding a content warning.
> My file is larger only because I used a 4GB card,
> not having a 2GB to hand. I'd zero free space and
> compress it better, but I've got to be off to work
> now.

Is this available anywhere else, or have you documented how you built it and what you removed?

Re: INFO: Raspberry PIratebox w/ Edimax EW-7811cus Wifi Adapter

Translate "piratebox.lan" from eth0

I connected the PB to a mesh network and i have problem with droopy. or any link calling piratebox.lan.

I can not figure out how to resolve it with dnsmasq and piratebox.conf (i tried the adress=/piratebox.lan/127.0.01 with no luck).

any help?


Re: Translate "piratebox.lan" from eth0

Hi Panos,
if you want to resolve piratebox.lan on you mesh network, it strongly is depended to the configuration of your mesh network.
Th dns server providing your DNS Service in mesh must have included the eth0-interface IP to its cache with piratebox.lan (simple entry in /etc/hosts is enough, if you run dnsmasq only).

The PirateBox-itself is relative helpless in this case.

What you can do is, that you fiddle around with javascript, which includes the hostname of the addressbar of the browser to the iframe "calling" droopy's upload page.
That may work, but I can't write any useful line JavaScript ;/


Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image


I'm having trouble booting the image too. I have tried the plain Raspbian raw image from here [www.raspberrypi.org] just to make sure my raspberry pi and SD card is working, and can dd the image onto my 4GB sdcard and get it to boot, but when i write the piratebox image to the sdcard and try to boot it, nothing happens.

I'm using debian wheezy on my PC to write the piratebox image to the sdcard.

Here's how I image the SD card
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# md5sum 2013-02-06-wheezy-raspbian-PBx06F.zip 
fba9dea3aa404460184ee3d145a8f4fc  2013-02-06-wheezy-raspbian-PBx06F.zip
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# unzip 2013-02-06-wheezy-raspbian-PBx06F.zip 
Archive:  2013-02-06-wheezy-raspbian-PBx06F.zip
  inflating: 2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img  
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# ls
2013-02-06-wheezy-raspbian-PBx06F.zip  2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# md5sum 2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img 
bad7d5dc3203fae94926f4a01b063e87  2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# dd if=2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdb
3788800+0 records in
3788800+0 records out
1939865600 bytes (1.9 GB) copied, 2264.59 s, 857 kB/s
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# sync

Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image

ok, with that output. I'm convinced!
I'm still wondering about that- but ok.

I'm going to build a new image over the christams holidays, because during the week I don't have the equipment with me.

regards Matthias

Translate "piratebox.lan" from eth0

Thanks, it was really simple,

just change in /www/index.html where the code says "piratebox.lan:8080" to "" (my static eth0 ip), in two places. Now droopy works both on wifi and eth0.


Edited: not, alas.. Not on wifi.. Actually i was looking the saved page... :(

Re: RaspberryPi with Realtek RTL8188 and custom hostapd

Just a heads up as I was having a similar issue above doing a manual install of PirateBox on my Series B RPi where I already knew about installing the correct hostapd for my Edimax USB wifi. I was still getting these errors when running:

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ /usr/sbin/hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
l2_packet_init: socket(PF_PACKET): Operation not permitted
rtl871xdrv driver initialization failed.

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ hostapd -dd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
random: Trying to read entropy from /dev/random
Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
l2_packet_init: socket(PF_PACKET): Operation not permitted
rtl871xdrv driver initialization failed.

But after manually just running: `sudo service hostapd start` connecting to my RiPi via wifi now works and I can upload and chat.

Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image

Anything new concerning the image??

Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image

No time up till yet, sorry.
The todo list is a way too long.

activate ssh access through wifi

thanks for you work !

i am trying to setup my piratebox (rpi) as a git repository for a workshop in to days and i need for that to activate ssh access through wlan.
is there a way to do that ?

(i am fully aware of the security matters and assume them, its just for three days with no critial datas etc)


Re: activate ssh access through wifi

Did you enable ssh through raspberry config?

usually SSH is working on all devices

Noobish question, RPi with External Router

I know that this is quite honestly a noobish question, but I'm trying to set up the rpi box hard-wired to an external router. I've got it working with the wifi dongle, but I want more range, and to configure WDS with two other routers. Right now, I just want to try to get it working with one router.

Router is: Linksys WRT54G V8 running DD-WRT firmware

I know that it's been stated that DD-WRT will not be supported but it seems to me that it shouldn't be that hard to achieve. I've tried turning off my routers DHCP and DNSmasq but with no joy. Should I disable the pi's dnsmasq and dhcp?

So my question I guess becomes more complicated:
1. Is it even possible to use an external router with the piratebox
2. How can I go about doing this?
3. Would this be easier if I were to just flash OpenWRT onto my router?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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