Matthias Wrote:
> this works and is double tested.
> edit: If you give me the feedback that it works,
> I'll upload a new RPi image containing the new
> sources
Sorry, been out for a bit....
I installed the patches give above, and did some testing.
When running with the patched file, it seemed that I was getting about a 50-50
chance of the wlan0 interface being configured after full bootup. Pulling the power (which is forcing an fsck),
seems to be the most likely way for it to fail.
I never entered the wait loop in the patched code after the ifconfig "$INTERFACE". There was never a "."
printed out after "Probing interface". This includes failures of the interface to be configured, as well as when
the interface was configured properly.
I threw in some debug statements to see what was going on. I was outputting "ifconfig $INTERFACE" after the
assignment of the IP and NETMASK (ifconfig $INTERFACE $IP netmask $NETMASK), and saw that everything
was OK with the wlan0 interface (IP and netmask assigned). Then I login to the system, and run ifconfig wlan0,
and find that wlan0 has no IP or netmask!
My conclusion is that the configuration of the interface in script is fine (without the
checking delay loops), and that something else after this script is causing a problem. I'll keep digging as I get