Okay sorry I forgot something. This is probobly a really terrible way of doing this but its all i could think of.
I forgot to mention that you need to set the service on a timer or else it wont work, im assuming this is because the os is not ready at the point it executes.
So assuming you did the steps above:
Execute the following:
Enter the following:
Execute the following:
Reboot and it should work. Sorry if this is a really backwards way of doing things, its all i could think of. Feel free to provide a better solution.
I forgot to mention that you need to set the service on a timer or else it wont work, im assuming this is because the os is not ready at the point it executes.
So assuming you did the steps above:
Execute the following:
systemctl disable wifi.service nano /etc/systemd/system/wifi.timer
Enter the following:
[Unit] Description=wifi timer [Timer] OnBootSec=1min Unit=wifi.service [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
Execute the following:
systemctl enable wifi.timer
Reboot and it should work. Sorry if this is a really backwards way of doing things, its all i could think of. Feel free to provide a better solution.