ok, it is a bit difficult to get the missing library installed. PirateBox Rpi image is based on ArchLinux, you can find some further reading on the Archlinux wiki.
The needed package python-raspberry-gpio is available as an AUR package, which means you need to package it yourself.
The first try should be
best regards Matthias
ok, it is a bit difficult to get the missing library installed. PirateBox Rpi image is based on ArchLinux, you can find some further reading on the Archlinux wiki.
The needed package python-raspberry-gpio is available as an AUR package, which means you need to package it yourself.
The first try should be
if that worked, you can install it with:Language: PHPwget https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/python-raspberry-gpio.tar.gz tar xzf python-raspberry-gpio.tar.gz cd python-raspberry-gpio makepkg
sudo pacman -U python-raspberry-gpio-0.6.3-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
best regards Matthias